Perfect Catch Racing Home of Swift Racing Blue

T Bolts

The Swift Racing t bolts are used for attaching seat rails to boats, foot stretchers to stretcher tracks, and seats to adaptive rails. The feature a slightly curved edge on the front and back of the T allowing them to slide in the tracks more easily than with some other brands.

5x25mm attaches the seat rails to all sloping seat decks.

5x35mm attaches the front of the seat rail to all non-sloping seat decks

5x45mm attaches the back of the seat rail to all non-sloping seat decks

6x30mm attaches a stretcher pipe to the stretcher tracks

6x45mm attaches the base of a foot stretcher to the stretcher track

8x25mm attaches the seats and back supports to the older adaptive rail ADSea9a

8x30mm attaches the seats and back supports to the adaptive rail ADSea9d

8x35mm attaches the seat and the Mark 4 back support to adaptive rail ADSea9d
